Saturday, June 17, 2006


I have been back in Denver for about a month and a half now and well the summer that I had great expectations for is somehow molding itself into my own little hell. I wanted to talk to people and just kinda get to chill a little. Now it seems that I just plan on being bored. Between work and washing cars, I don't get much time to breathe. The time I do get I waste by driving around or tv. It didn't used to get to me, but I think I got ADD from college. I always have to be doing something or talking to someone. Thank God a girl that I work with seems to have the same problem or work would be really boring. Oh and I laugh at everyone using cars now. It is so damn expensive which makes it nice to have a $5 a week alternative. Plus I can go faster on my motorcycle ( safely). However cars are funnier to race, which I confirmed tonight. It is fun to floor it on hampden. Got to a buck 10 when I realized that I don't need to lose my license. Anyway I learned something today. I learned that when playing games it is easier to say that you are a virgin by choice rather than by circumstance. Circumstance leads to many uncomfortable questions. I won't go into it here but lets just say I won't make that mistake again. If you really care to know, hit me back but I don't have to explain it to the public.
Peace and Love


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