Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I hate getting sick

I am officially sick yet again. I can't wait until tomorrow to see how bad it actually gets. I drank a little on Monday night, and woke up feeling fabulous. It was suprising because I didn't get much sleep and I usually feel crappy if I don't get about four hours of sleep. I went to my only class at 8 and went to Chipotle. After that I crashed for about three hours on my bed. I mean I literally passed out. It was the kind of sleep where you hit the pillow and you are gone. I woke up and I couldn't shake cold chills until just about an half of an hour ago. I hope that it doesn't last very long. Given the time to think today I tried to clear my mind and figure out where to go in my life from here. I like how everything is moving now and it feels like I have control, but there is defiantly something missing. I hate being confident and in control of some parts of my life, and still feel like something is gone. I would like to be completely definite, with a set path and be completely locked in. I blame myself for it namely because at mines I have definitely unbalanced my life. I just let some things go in order to do better in certain things, and while success came finally it was a kind of shallow victory . I let some very important things go that should have really had priority. Anyway I should probably get sleep and try to feel better tomorrow .
Love always


At 6:07 PM, Blogger The Village Idiot said...

Sorry, if it makes you feel any better, I don't feel much worse than I felt two days ago. So, old friend old buddy old pal, thanks for taking the brunt of the illness for me! (or for someone)

I hope you feel better!


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