Monday, April 12, 2010

equality never means equal

I'm sure that the people reading this have all encountered this problem, some group or another demanding equality with another with whom they feel disenfranchised. They want more pay, more benefits, and better opportunities. That's all well and good but they call it this thing called equality, which is exactly what it isn't. Take for instance the handicapped; they push mostly for equal access to facilities that everyone can use. A very admirable goal indeed and one that should be heard and respected. However it isn't exactly what they want. Anyone who has been to an amusement park in recent history knows the lines are long and tedious. So places like Disneyland install ramps and elevators and all so that those in wheelchairs can have access. But they also want the same people to mandate that they get put on first in line. Of course it would be equal if they had to wait too but they want the ability to ride, without the hassle of having to wait, because that's not fair...I'm confused Or take for example the feminist; they desire equal wages, equal rights and equal consideration. Wonderful, but I'm sure if we had the titanic again, even the hardest feminist would be pushing people to the side and throwing men overboard under the consideration " women and children first" Because when it comes to the benefit of chilvalry, oh we suddenly don't want to be equal. If you were you should be right there next to me listening to the band sing "row row row the boat..." Or when someone breaks into our house suddenly I find myself up to bat to confront the guy with the gun... Like if I go down to check it out he is going to put the gun down and we will enjoy a beer, but if you go down it will be dangerous. Now understand I practice chivalry, but fair is fair. However there will be one exception, for those who want to go topless because men can, I agree. Another example is the illegal immigrants. Now disregarding the fact that they are illegal because I can't see how it is fair to make them take a test about our nation that the majority of natural citizens can't pass. But they want equal pay, which is fine, and social security when they are older I understand. And unemployment that's ok. But taxes, well to that it becomes no habla engles. Oh wait we don't want to pay taxes sorry. When it comes to English too the excuse is simple I want to protect my heritage so I can't be bothered to learn your language. Then here is your shit job and shit pay next. I wouldn't expect if I went to Mexico that I would be given the luxury to speak my native tongue so neither should you. Keep in mind there are some people wanting equality for humble reasons, which is honorable. One such group is those for gay marriage. Why not? Although the Catholic Church promotes that it is wrong and immoral, marriage was for thousands of years, not a religious institution. This coming from my pastor mind you. Marriage was handed to the church because the courts in medieval Europe couldn't handle the record keeping and the church was given the job to prevent incest and forced marriage and such. Besides the church apparently has little problem with sodomizing little boys, seeing as how the Pope moved priest around knowing what was going on. Yes I'm catholic and I do believe, but the church is run by men and sometimes men are flawed. And as for the bicycles that feel that equality entitles them to ride their bike in the middle of the street, you are retarded that's why we have sidewalks and bike paths, just for you :) Peace and love


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