Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Open disclosure

Well, This topic has been on my mind for a while and recent events have made me think enough to finally post on the issue. First the background; On Monday I went online like usual, only to find something that caught me off guard. An old girlfriend ( I use this term for lack of better term but basically a close friend who thought as me more as a plaything than anything else, which is generally how it goes but I digress) had apparently found me on facebook. I don't know how or why considering that we have not spoken at all in at least six years. The reason this brought up thoughts about disclosure is that we were great friends up until one day when we just stopped talking. And it dawned on me, for six years we hadn't spoken a word, and I to this day don't know what caused us to stop talking. And so I have decided that why can things like this happen. Why can't people just let people know that their pissed or that they're in love or anything. I am not saying that I am perfect in letting people know things. But I think it should get better. I guess I don't understand how it happens between friends who are really close, but that one thought can never be voiced. I think that people should be less judgmental and more open with each other. I know that I'm trying and getting better. Oh and Miss , If you are reading love you always.
As always peace and Love
Mr. Jensen

Thursday, February 02, 2006

hell's yeah

Great day and much love to everyone. All I have to say is wow. Never has there been a time as happy as this. I have been sick for the past few days, but overall I feel great. It is the nicest feeling when everything just works like clockwork. I've been on top of all of my studies because after last semester, I thought that I really need to get organized. Needless to say it worked and it feels like I have a ton of time ( not that anyone else would notice since I haven't been writing much lately.) I have decided to take up cooking. I'm not really bad, but I did cook a pizza on the cardboard plate once. I got a lot of shit for it, but it's all good. The only bad thing now is that money is tight and I have to wait to get about $500 windfall for about a week. Oh and my roomates think I am a member of the bloods now. What, because I wore all red and carried my knife with me today? Apparantly they don't know me well enough to realize that just because I chill with a lot of people from the ghetto I must be dangerous. In a car maybe ( j/k) but not generally. I still think I should take them to either montbello or five points and show them. Now it's time to eat, but I shall post again.

love always,
your one and only