Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I got off of work early today and found that I had some spare time today. At work something struck me as quite comical. Someone got laid last night and apparently it is a big deal that I didn't. I really don't understand why anyone would be shocked that someone more attractive and more vibrant got laid. I always thought that it was the way the world worked that the attractive people got laid and ugly people needed money or liquor. It isn't like I really had good odds to begin with. Lets see a 21 year old virgin who is incredibly shy and not really good looking. I guess smart is the whole of what I bring to the table and maybe a little vibrant. Hell it happens on dates for me anyway. It goes basically good night and that is it. If I ask what went wrong the response is usually nothing just don't ever date me again. I just tink it is funny that people can be surprised at the very obvious