Monday, August 28, 2006

sorry, is that bullshit I hear?

So I have to call out some bitches today because they really pissed me off. They would be the athletics staff at mines. So here is the story, I applied to continue lifeguarding at the pool early last week. It is basically something that I do every year. Basically I have to pick hours and show that I am qualified. I thought it would be simple enough, even though the aquatics boss wasn't there, I filled out everything and got approved from the head of athletics. I even sent several e-mails to my boss asking to give me the go ahead and tell me my hours. No word, but everyone else seemed to know. So after four e-mails and running everywhere to get paperwork filed and approved I finally get an email response today. My boss says basically that he never got anything and that he already made a schedule and that I would be unable to work. Wait, I think I smell a big pile of bullshit. I don't see how he could miss the papers sitting in his mailbox for an entire week. Or the emails that were maked as important. I guess I just don't understand, I never understood the point of lying. I mean if you have something to tell me that you know is going to inconvience just tell me just let me know. I mean wether you love me or hate me just be direct. I won't get angry either way, but I will if you can't grow a pair and just give me a heads up. Matters of the heart are different, and sometime they remain silent, but business for christ sake. I can understand not telling someone you love them because of the fear that you might not be met halfway, but to lie about missing paperwork that is complete and total bullshit.
Sorry for the rant, I'm just a little frustrated with everything that seems to be happening all of the sudden. hopefully this is not an indicator of things to come. I had good hopes for the year, but like the summer I seem to be screwed at every turn so far.
Peace and Love,

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Welcome back to hell

Well now I can't really say anything after all I did drive the damn bus. I have finally come to the conclusion that I really need to find more productive things to do with my time. I can't even believe that I am saying it, but classes might actually be easy. I will probably regret those words, but for now that is how I feel. It seems that I have far too much time on my hands. It shouldn't be a good thing to sleep in and still have time in the morning to kick back and relax. It feels like I actually have time to enjoy life, but I have obviously been in Golden too long and have come to realize that well there isn't much to do with free time. It sucks because I don't much like to sit idle and do nothing. I like to have shit going on. You know sit and talk to people, go out and do just about anything, Hell I was the one driving as fast as I could around downtown just because I needed something to do. I don't know if it's just me, but sitting and watching tv for any length of time makes me feel lazy. I thought that mines would be nice when I went because it was small, but the longer I stay, the more I want the ability to go and meet people, to have fun, to have something to do besides video games and the occasional drinking party. I just hate the feeling of restlessness more than anything else. The constant waiting for something that I know in the back of my head will never come. I found that a stagnate place isn't really enjoyable. I like for everything to change, even if it is a stressful environment. Anyway enough ranting for now. I am bored.
Peace and love,